When it comes to working from home, there are alot of things that can cause distractions throughout the day.
Being good at eliminating distractions is a great way to make sure that your days are productive which is important when working from home.
When working from home there can be distractions from others that may be at home while you are working, the tv, your phone, or just simply lounging can be a tempting distraction.
In this blog post, learn tips on how to find effective ways to eliminate distraction so that you are not just productive throughout the day, but also eliminate distractions from family as well as other distractions when working from home.

Time Management
When it comes to eliminating distractions, it is important to implement effective time management techniques to ensure that you are creating your schedule that works best for you.
It is important to not only create a work schedule around your personal and family life, but you want to be intentional with planning ahead to make sure you are not scheduling work time around future appointments or other commitments etc.
It is also important to consider scheduling times when you are most likely at your peak energetic times throughout the day.
Be mindful of the best times to schedule your breaks and lunch and be aware of how much time it will take if you plan to go out for lunch etc.
Depending on the client that you are providing service for, consider the time limits that you may have per call and make sure you are using the tips offered from the client to make sure you are using your time effectively during calls as well.

Preparation Is Key
Preparing in advance is important when it comes to working from home and eliminating distractions. When you are preparing for your days and your week in advance, you help eliminate any obstacles or distractions that may come your way.
If you know there are things that you have to take care of prior to working that need your immediate attention, you want to make sure you have those things handled in advance.
Overall, being intentional with preparing for your workday in advance is key in order to help eliminate distractions when working from home as well.

Activities For Children/Childcare
If you know you have children while working from home, you want to make sure that you plan in advance to help eliminate obstacles and/or distractions.
If you have young ones, do you have childcare in place? Are there activities planned in advance in order to keep them quiet and busy during the day?
These are important things to consider when working from home with children.
Overall, these are just a few basic tips that you can use on a daily basis to ensure a distraction free environment when working from home.