Score Interpretations
This score indicates a high likelihood that you definitely have what it takes to be self-employed! You may be highly bored or frustrated in your current position or you just have the sense that you are meant to be your own boss. The numerous risks involved with self-employment do not feel overwhelming or very worrisome to you. In fact, you may be someone who does well with risks and who gets bored with routine. You are likely to be very independent minded and enjoy creating your own future. You possess the fundamental traits of an entrepreneur and you appear ready to go into self employment. It is likely that you will not feel truly fulfilled if you do not pursue small business ownership or development.
This score indicates a high likelihood that you have some of the fundamental skills of someone who becomes successfully self-employed. You likely show a high degree of initiative or drive and you appear motivated to start your own business. The timing may not be perfectly right now, as you may not be quite ready to give up some of the stability or perks of your job or you have not yet saved enough to go into business on your own.
The idea of entrepreneurship works well for you and while you may need to work on a couple areas of skills for self-employment, you are fairly well suited to being your own boss.
Your score indicates a high likelihood that you have mixed feelings about self-employment versus a job, but that for you right now, the job is the better fit. This may be because the idea of being self-employed feels overwhelming or frightening to you or because of practical issues such as benefits or finances.
You are likely to be someone who thinks decisions through and who is not quite ready to take that leap into self-employment. This does not mean that you will never be ready or have what it takes, particularly if you do some work to get there.
Your score indicates that it is likely that you are not someone who fits well with being self-employed. You may feel good about the stability and security of a job or may not like taking risks and having new things constantly coming up for you to deal with. It is likely that you do well in a structured environment and that you enjoy working with the colleagues with whom you work, knowing what to expect and budget for, and not worrying about whether you will be able to pay your bills. Therefore, at this point in time, you appear best suited for a job.