Registration Support
• US Registration –
• Canada-
• Limited email support available: The Arise registration department will ONLY respond to emails at this email for previously registered agents that are having issues accessing their account. Examples are inactive profiles and inability to log into the registration dashboard or portal.
Partner Support
• Access partner support through Ava. Type the phrase “Check on Incident Status” in the chat box and then select Partner Support
• Hours are Monday- Friday 8am – 12am Eastern Time
Technical Support
• Access partner support through Ava. Type the phrase “Check on Incident Status” in the chat box and then select Technical Support. They are open 24/7.
• If you are in need of technical assistance with Arise or Client applications (Vpn, Citrix, Arise Portal, Virtual Meeting Rooms, Telephony, etc)
First Advantage (Background Check & Drug Testing)
• 1-866-439-7179 opt 1 for background and technical support
• Open Monday – Friday 8a-8p eastern
• Email:
• If you have an agent that is dropped from a client due to failed background, have your agent contact First advantage. Make sure they get an Incident Number and name of person they spoke with. A lot of fails are due to minor issues such as names not matching, prescription drugs being taken, or incorrect or mismatch social security number. This can be corrected and sent in to Arise and results changed to pass in these instances. Either way have them call and see why.
Arise Phone Number
• 866-771-0041 Option 1 for tech support & Option 2 for central operations
• If you have a power outage and are unable to get into Starmatic, you can call this number to release your schedule
• Most other issues they will refer you to chat support
Return Address for Air BNB Equipment
• Arise Corporate Office
Attention PSO
3450 Lakeside Drive, 6th Floor
Miramar, FL 33027